Steve Burge, J.D.
I am thrilled to be a Student Success Coach here at the University of Utah where I was so fortunate to have graduated a few years back as an undergraduate and graduate student. This amazing institution has had a huge impact on my life. I am so grateful to be back!
As a former college professor, program director and corporate executive for an international company, among other roles, I have had the great fortune of teaching and assisting thousands of students and workers across the U.S. and internationally. Now, it is a great privilege to be able to work with students more on a one-on-one basis as a success coach.
It is my goal as a caring and knowledgeable professional to help you and other students succeed. My role, as it says in our mission statement, “is to engage and empower undergraduate students in exploring and clarifying their interests and goals, overcoming personal and academic challenges, and connecting to campus resources and opportunities.” As your student success coach, I will meet you at your convenience wherever you are on campus or on Zoom. I will help you formulate goals and assist you in creating and executing educational and life plans that will help you succeed and make the most of your university experience.
Make an appointment soon so we can work together in supporting you!
(385) 867-0127