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Ruth De Jesus

Ruth de Jesus

A former student who met weekly with me, sent this Mister Rogers quote to me on her last semester of study: “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”
How lovely and true is this!? Indeed, life is manageable together.
I have been supporting college students since 2006, when I started my career in higher education. My work focused on underrepresented students from many different backgrounds, and it also included helping students with identities in majority groups develop language, ally-ship skills and emotional intelligence around cultural differences. I like the Spanish word "acompan~amiento" to describe the work I do: accompaniment. To walk alongside someone on a journey. To provide support and encouragement. To serve as a sounding board for ideas. To ensure safe space for every question and find resources/clarity together.
I was born in Brooklyn and split my childhood between Puerto Rico and New Jersey. Growing up poor in the inner city meant that I had to learn quickly how to navigate college. And I had to find community in places that were very unfamiliar to me. During college, I decided that I wanted to be a resource for other college students. I love my work.
I earned my B.A. in Religious Studies from Franklin and Marshall College. Then I earned my Master in Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. I have worked in literacy, transitional housing, prison and K-12 ESL positions. I have also served a diverse faith community as a licensed minister.
Besides that, I love my family. I have a loving spouse who encourages my sense of adventure and never judges me. And I have 3 highly opinionated children. I enjoy baking, lifting weights, road trips and flower gardening.


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Last Updated: 9/20/23