I absolutely LOVE higher education and everything it has to offer- but I wasn’t always
this way! Before earning my BA in Sociology and my MA in Communication and Advocacy,
I was almost a high school dropout who believed that the only thing school had to
offer was stress. Now, I believe that working towards and earning a higher education
degree is among the most fun and fulfilling gifts you can give yourself, and I am
here to help you get there!
Before coming to the U, I worked as an undergraduate instructor of Communication and
Public Speaking. Through working in higher ed, I developed a passion for helping students
find focus, purpose, and confidence inside and outside the classroom. In our meetings,
I can help keep you motivated and accountable, connect you to U resources that you
may not yet know exist, or simply be a source of consistent support and encouragement.
Scheduling an appointment is the first big step, and the rest we can face together.
I’m so excited to meet you!