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Lisa Lewis

Lisa Lewis, M.Ed. (she/her/hers)

Welcome to the next step on your academic journey! Whether you are a first-year student, a transfer student, or you are getting close to graduating, by contacting a Student Success Coach you have found a great avenue for support.
I grew-up in Utah and am a graduate of the University of Utah where I earned a BA in both Anthropology and Art History. From there my journey has taken me across the West. I lived for several years in Montana, New Mexico and in the rural lands of Utah including Loa and Mount Pleasant. I love to be outside exploring the wilder places in the west. I find great peace and joy in mountains and deserts that surround us, and love to play in the snow, sand, and rocks. Skiing, floating rivers, hiking, running, and biking are among my favorite activities. When I’m home I love to garden and create mixed media arts and crafts with found objects. I have two step-sons that keep me laughing and celebrating life’s gifts.
While in Montana, I earned my M.Ed. at the University of Montana. I worked for a few years in K-12 education but found that my passion is in higher education. In New Mexico, I worked for a two-year college as a grant director and an instructor. I help design and implement programs aimed at building student success for first generation, underrepresented, and under-resourced students. Mentoring programs and supplemental instruction are examples of programs I worked with. I come back to the U of U with a great appreciation of how a connection with one caring person on campus can make a difference in a student’s academic experience.
Thanks for being curious and looking into the opportunities the Student Success Coach program offers. It would be great to have the chance to meet you and hear the story of your journey.


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Last Updated: 9/20/23